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Educational Library
Regional Health Highlights
As “The Future of Healthcare” established, the medical world has changed dramatically in a short amount of time. It’s hard to imagine crude practices that existed a century ago, like bloodletting and asthma cigarettes, in comparison to the treatments of today’s digital world. This time of change has significantly improved humans’ overall quality of life in 2023. Four indicators of this improvement are life expectancy, infant mortality, literacy and poverty.
Optimizing Throughput in Display and Microelectronics Manufacturing
Learn how advancements in laser scan head mechanical design and control technology can improve the productivity and quality of laser cutting processes used in high-volume display manufacturing.
The Science and Art of Machine Design
In this webinar we will evaluate an example application utilizing the Automation1 machine control platform and consider its key criteria to show how this influences the system architecture.
Achieving Ultralow-Loss Photonics Array Alignment
This webinar will present the current industry challenges and limitations as well as automation solutions for achieving ultralow-loss photonics alignment.
Fundamental Concepts for Precision & Throughput in Laser Processing Machines
This article explores fundamental considerations in machine design and control that one must be familiar with to get the most throughput possible out of a precision laser microprocessing machine.
Multi-Axis Motion System Error Budgeting
This article will explain how multi-axis motion systems can be analyzed to estimate functional point(work point) errors. Specifics on how to review system geometry and how to convert component-level errors into system-level errors will be discussed. A recommended calculation method, as well as ways to improve system performance, will also be examined.
Standard and Custom Motion Solutions: 7 Factors to Consider During the Buying Process
The ultimate success of many advanced manufacturing- and inspection-related projects and processes often hinges on a high-precision motion control solution. Composed of mechanical positioning stages, control electronics and software, the motion solution represents the fundamental platform on which the entire process is based.
Motion Actuator Designs for Electro-Optic Test Systems
This article discusses motorized angular drive mechanisms and performance differences between direct-drive gimbals, indirect-driven gimbals and articulated-arm robots for electro-optic (EO)testing applications. From this article, readers will gain an appreciation for the pros and cons of each drive technology and be able to make better choices when deciding which automated testing system would be best for their EO testing applications.
How to Know When Precision Motion Control is the Right Choice
For many engineers working in the automation space, programmable…